Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Scripture's Place

Calvin's Institutes I.VIII.11-13
Calvin challenges the proud heart that mocks the simplicity of the new testament. There are heavenly mysteries to be found there from the pens of the educated and uneducated alike.

There are three reasons for the high status of scripture:

  • Their wide acceptance around the world.
  • The godliness of those who accept them.
  • The willingness of many to die holding to them.

Yet these are not enough to provide a firm faith. Calvin concludes:
Therefore Scripture will ultimately suffice for a saving knowledge of God only when its certainty is founded upon the inward persuasion of the Holy Spirit. (I.VIII.13)

I think this is a valuable reminder. The work of apologetics is never able to stand on its own as powerful enough to win a soul to faith. Even with our best arguments, our greatest efforts, our mightiest preaching, we rely wholly on the work of the Spirit to convince and convict.

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